Contact us at - 1 (954) 707-2829
Tenant Improvement, Build Out
& Interior Remodel

Project Management Services
Tenanat Improvement
Build Out Management
Commercial Remodel
Franchise Construction
Franchise Project Delivery
Project Management
Construction Management
BuildPoint Construction Group understands how critical time is when expanding a business or starting a new business or franchise model. Whether you have an existing building or have leased space, or you plan to acquire a new building or lease, build-out or renovation project management services are tailored to your needs.
Most importantly, we work efficiently to focus on tight deadlines, while closely monitoring costs and quality control. In addition, our practice of maintaining clean job sites ensures the efficiency and safety of our staff, clients, and guests.
Whether it’s a simple remodel, a major renovation, or new construction, you want to work with a company that has experience to work with you and will finish your project on time, within budget, and with superior craftsmanship. To these ends, we partner with the client to fulfill the most stringent requirements.
We have experience with the complexities of these types of projects that have provided us with valuable experience in planning and implementation. While gaining this experience, we have worked with National franchises, management companies, mall representatives ; we have accommodated the day-to-day needs of office personnel, students and residents, and we have seamlessly adjusted to all kinds of unusual working conditions.
Our commercial clients appreciate our detail-oriented focus, professional craftsmanship and our ability to coordinate both build-out and remodeling projects with time sensitive deadlines and assisting the team. During construction, we maintain our schedule because we are aware that you need to be open for business as rapidly as possible. At the end of the project, we deliver a new facility that both welcomes customers and invites them to frequent the business.
In the case of build-outs of new commercial space, also known as tenant build-outs, BuildPoint Construction Group counsels prospective clients to begin planning the build-out during the search for the new space.
This will both focus the search and expedite the build-out process. Because the quality, extent, and cost of a build-out are all part of negotiating with the landlord in the case of rented space, here are some important to consider a number of important issues.
Establish how much the landlord will pay, particularly when the (TI) improvements increase the property value or bring the space up to code and negotiate favorable terms.
Don’t over-build. Keep your build-out within your budget, keeping in mind that, when you move, you will leave your improvements behind.
Don’t under-build, particularly when you are committing to a multi-year lease, to ensure that your build-out is appropriate for the time you will be there.
Make sure that your leasehold improvements are acceptable to your landlord before you sign the lease and better yet, they should be enumerated in your lease.
Discuss your plans with local building inspectors to ensure that they comply with codes and zoning restrictions. (We can do this for you.)
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Contact us 954-707-2829